FoodHandler Vinyl/Nitrile Blend Gloves Review
We are testing every glove we can find on Amazon! In this video, Lloyd checks out the FoodHandler Vinyl/Nitrile Blend Gloves.
Purchase USA-Made Nitrile Gloves from Armbrust

Video Transcript:
Oh, hey there. I didn't see you. My name's Lloyd. Welcome to the place. We're testing every single glove that we can get our hands on, including the food handler gloves. We all know food handler with the photoshopped shrimp between the fingers of the photoshopped glove. It's like they spent three minutes making this cover. Alright, Tara's going to open that up for me on camera, so there's no funny business. We ordered this guy on Amazon and we are going to take a sample out. Tara's going to cut expertly. Expertly cut. Well, I don't know if she's going to be able to open the box. What happened here? Look at that. I feel like you open box of gloves for a living and look at what just happened. So is this a criticism on food handler or you? I don't know. You decide at home, right? It in the comments. All right, this medium. Gloves. Okay. This thing is really shoved in there. They should make just, their box needs to be like 10% bigger, 11% bigger. Alright, so food handler. Oh, I just noticed something. Vinyl. Nitro. Yeah,
It's a blend.
It's a blend. It's a blend. Hand hygiene, apparel products. Cut resistant products. What does that mean? Oh, it's for training. It's good for training and educational tools. Food Manufactured for Food Handler, Inc. Illinois product of China. Not for medical use. And it was manufactured, oh my goodness. It was manufactured in 2020. We just bought this on Amazon. This is an old glove approaching the end of its life. And it is, yeah, it's very latex. Yeah. Shiny.
So what's the difference between latex or not latex? Wait, sorry, not latex. Vinyl. Vinyl. What's the difference between vinyl and nitro? Look at this. You can see the different discoloration. You can see my hand in different places. That shows it's not a very consistent product. The difference between vinyl. Vinyl is cheaper. Obviously. It handles less chemicals, it's less puncture resistant. And it also does not adhere to your hands as well. That's what a full vinyl glove does. The combo is actually interesting. You can still see that. It's like it's not adhering everywhere. Okay, why does that matter? Well, if you were a mechanic or if you are a chef and you're chopping a blade all day long, if you're doing a lot of things and there's a little slippage in the palm in the hand, not having that nitro glove not giving you that grip, it's actually a bad thing because it will actually increase hand fatigue over time and will make things more dangerous. Right? So why do they do a vinyl ni blend? It's to save money. And if money is a concern, then maybe food handler is for you. But we're going to test it here. Are we ready? Yes.
While we're testing, I'm going to do my test at the same time. Oh, it's interesting. It falls apart. It doesn't snap like the nitro does. It just kind of crumbles. Alright. All right. So disclaimer here, and I'm sure you're nervous about this. This machine's not really meant to test something like this, right?
We're just not set up for full vinyl.
Oh, but we can do partial.
Well, if it has nitrile in it would need to meet the nitrile standards. And my test methods are set for nitrile.
Okay. We stand by it. So what we're doing is we're doing an elongation and tensile strength test here. We're going to stretch this glove until it breaks. When it breaks, you're going to see this line drop off here. And what we want to see for most gloves is a four to 500% stretch. And then we want to see, well look at that. Wow, that is a high curve. We want to see a tensile strength of 14 as well. And it looks like it might, it's going to break early. Yeah, it's definitely going to break early for sure's. No way it can keep up like that. The higher it goes in the beginning, the quicker it breaks usually, but not always. There we go.
Oh, that was unappealing.
18.096. So this is the difference. If you look at where this broke here, aside from this other faulty glove we had in the test data, you could see it's one of the worst gloves that we've tested. So all of these had a way later breakage rate. This one broke early. And by the way, it does say that it complies for F D A regulations for food contact, which means that it should pass this test. Now, disclaimer here, just because one failed doesn't mean that they will all fail. We're not doing an official test here. This is just one example. Your mileage may vary. Thank you so much for watching this review of the food handler. I appreciate you and I'll catch you on the next.