FedEx Driver Face Mask
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Why did this mask fail?
Video Transcript
Hey, everyone. Welcome back to the place we're testing every single mask in the world. Even mask that I've had to beg for. Today, I'm looking at the FedEx mask, super excited about this. I only have one to test though, so I have to be careful about how I do it. So it comes individually sealed. I'll tell you the story about how I got this in a minute. There's no writing on it. It's not telling me what style or validity is. They're making the mask backwards to preserve the beautiful FedEx logo on the front. You can see they've have got the ear loops welded on the back end. You want it to be on the front because it will give you a better seal on the front. That looks dang good, though. Great nose wire.I would say, based on the smell, this mask is made in China, but there's no way to know, but it does smell like... I'm going to call this Chinese plastic shipped in a FedEx box. Just trying to be relevant here. It's not a horrible smell, but that is a uniquely Chinese polypropylene smell. Yes, I am now at the point where I can smell a mask and tell you it's country of origin. Don't know what that says about me. Let's try the ear loops. Those are pretty good. Those are pretty good. Those aren't going to come off on your face, but oh, see that broke like that. So not the best ear loops, but the nose wire is really nice, especially since the outer layer is so thick.
All right, now I've got to open this up because when we test the fabric, we're basically testing the fabric as a filter. So I've got to open it up and take off the part of the mask that's folded over. A mask, it's actually a square piece of fabric so when you open it up it's a giant square. The reason they do that is for breathability. So the more fabric you have, the bigger the filter you have to breathe through the more you're going to be able to breathe.
All right. Let's letter rip. This is a PFE machine, particulate filtration efficiency machine. I don't know what standard this is being held to. I believe this is a Chinese mask, I don't know for sure. Pretty typical though. It's very expensive to do a type of mask like that. So many people have reached out to us and said, "Hey, can you do custom printing?" No, no, I can't. Too expensive. So very expensive to get that done. Obviously, FedEx is a huge company, but I'm betting, it's done in China, and it just smelled like a Chinese mask. That said, there's no way to know.
How did I get this mask? Well, we are right next to a FedEx facility, the main hub in Austin. I've made some FedEx friends over the last year let's say, and I begged, and pleaded, and traded my masks for this mask to see what it would do in my machine, so I'm very excited. It's been a while. I actually got this about a month ago and I had it sitting in our testing room waiting to go. All right so let's take a look and see how the mask is doing. So the airflow resistance is pretty good for the amount of air I'm pushing through this. It's under 100 pascals, that's better than our masks to be honest. We want to see under 150 pascals and this is under 100, so the breathability on this is really good. Now breathability does typically follow filtration and you can see this mask is 91%, 92% filtration.
Now I'm doing one test here. I only have one mask. If we were really going to do this in a lab to test the viability of this mask, we'd have to test 20 of these, it'd be very intensive. So I would be willing to say, it's possible that this mask would beat 95%, which is the minimum standard in the United States. But this particular mess that I got, who knows if it was sitting in the sun, who knows what happened to it before it got... It was in a thin package like this, which does help, but honestly putting it in a package like this, a lot of people don't realize can pull static electricity out of it and take some of the filtration ability of it. So again, 91%, 90 2%, not a terrible mask. FedEx drivers, there are definitely worse masks out there. Pretty cool that it has that logo, but there are better masks to wear.
Personally, if I was a FedEx driver, I would be wearing an N95 mask, probably an American made one from somebody like Demetech or Indiana Face Mask, or Gerson. Super breathable masks actually in the same Pascal range, but they give you that seal and they go around your head. It's a head strap, so you're, you're not going to get fatigue wearing that on your ears all day long. All right, guys, thank you so much for watching. Thank you, FedEx drivers for protecting us and delivering stuff during the pandemic. You guys are the unsung heroes for sure. I appreciate you guys' time and attention. I will catch you on the next test, which is tomorrow at 10:00 AM.
Mask Construction
Mask Smell
Product Name
Country of Origin
Strap Type
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Registration Number