Yingxiang Disposable Mask
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Why did this mask fail?
Video Transcript
Welcome back to the place where we're testing every single mask on Amazon, including masks that we ordered and showed up. But we couldn't figure out how to link them to any of the orders we had placed as happens from time to time. But imagine if you will, that you ordered 400 masks at once. Can't figure it out.Anyways, I'm going to test them. These are the Yingxiang disposable protective masks. Let's put it in the clamper and see what happens. These were definitely a pack of a hundred because I got two masks like this.
Okay. Put it in the clamper. I think this is going to be a good clamp. I'm feeling good about it. Let it rip. This is a PFE machine, Particulate filtration efficiency machine. If you want to find out how that works, check out that link. We are doing the American surgical mask test to see if this thing protects you. This is a disposable protective mask, Yinxiang, "blow me up in the comments if I'm getting that wrong", non-medical made in China. All right. So open this up. I like that it's sealed in some plastic here. Let's pull these guys out.
Let's try this. Keep doing that, running into the monitor. I don't think it's going to come off on your face though, but I've seen better masks. Uh-uh (negative), scalpel. I'm going to get my finger one time. It's going to make for a great video. As I suspected plastic nose wire. So plastic nose wire is not going to give you a very good seal on the top. Right? Because the plastic, when you bend it, right, doesn't conform, versus a mask with some good nose wire, will stay to your face. Whatever that face shape may be. No judgments here people.
So the smell-test. Oh wait, there is actually something. It smells like Lloyd's breath. Interesting, but does it protect you? That's what this machine is for. Oh, snap, I stepped on my microphone cord I was so upset. Minimum American standard. Minimum standard. 95% is minimum standard. And we are hitting way off that. 78.165 breathability. Nobody knows.
[inaudible 00:02:57] 36.
0h, 36 breathability. So breathability was really good. Breathability and usually Yins and yangs with filtration. The more breathable something is the less it filters makes sense, right. Here we are super breathable, 78.165. I would choose a different mask. Even if you could buy this one, I wouldn't buy it. But I don't know. If you can find this on Amazon for you? "Oh man, blow me up in the comments". I would love to put an actual link to the listing. We can't find it.
Box looks like this. Help me out. Speaking of comments, if you're seeing this within 24 hours, jam me out a quick comment in the comments, because that's where comments go in the comments. No, because we are running a competition and if you hit it up within the first 24 hours details there, you could get something pretty cool. Also, I will see you tomorrow. That's right. Every day we're dropping a new test. We're getting crazy up in here. Crazy.
Mask Construction
Mask Smell
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